The Guide
The Guide is an informative overview of the contemporary art world, listing it's key participants. The focus is from Aotearoa New Zealand encompassing Australia and further relevant international listings. If you think you should be here, why don’t you Contact Us? If you are listed and want a link to your website in your listing, go to Advertise.
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Papakura Art Gallery’s objective is to enrich local culture and support community development. We provide a balanced schedule of quality exhibitions, projects and events that expose the gallery’s communities to creative practice through direct engagement.
10 Averill Street, Papakura, Auckland 2110
Contact details:
Phone: 09 297 7510
Fax: 09 298 1906
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Christmas and New Year period:
Closed from 22 December to 11 January.
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